Beer Cellar Gyula

Beer Cellar Gyula

Gyula, Kossuth Lajos Tér 2, 5700 Hungary

4.6 💬2493 Bewertungen


Fedezze fel a kulináris paradicsomot a Beer Cellar Gyula, egy megbecsült kulináris célpont, amely a Gyula, Kossuth Lajos Tér 2, 5700 Hungary címen található. Itt a vendégek meghívást kapnak, hogy élvezzék az ételek változatos választékát, amelyeket egy átfogó menü aprólékosan bemutat. Minden egyes falat egy kitűnő gasztronómiai utazást ígér, amely számtalan vendég ízlelőbimbóit rabul ejtette. A csillagos 4.6 értékeléssel a Beer Cellar Gyula a kivételes konyha és a kellemes étkezés jelzőfénye. A 4.6 kiváló minősítéssel és számtalan elismerő értékeléssel büszkék vagyunk arra, hogy olyan étkezési élményt kínálunk, amely egyszerűen páratlan. A 2488 elégedett vendéglátóinkkal olyan étkezést ígérünk, amely megfelel az Ön legmagasabb elvárásainak. Ahhoz, hogy finom ételeinket otthonába hozza, egyszerűen használja a, egy digitális platform, ahol könnyedén megrendelheti ínycsiklandó ételeinket. Élvezze az élményt.



Mr. Andrew Becker
Mr. Andrew Becker

The food is great, it has exceeded our expectations, we had an evening in which we served a chicken speciality filled with cream cheese and dried plums served right beside an Indian rice and vegetables. I also served a white wine of local tradition, light and good at a very good price. The price for the food was a very good one, as we served for a meal in 4, 4 special menus, plus a bottle of wine and a dessert, all about 35 40 euros in the conditions where for a meal of this type without desert I paid about 80 euros in Vienna.

Menü a Beer Cellar Gyula 13 opciók

A Beer Cellar Gyula teljes menüje a Gyula oldalon !

Minden ár becsült érték.


Jimmie Mertz
Jimmie Mertz

Nice staff with very fast food! I tried the iron plate rosted chicken with grilled Camambert salad and also the turkey breast with broccoli rice. Both very exceptional!!!

Cecile Prosacco
Cecile Prosacco

We just had dinner in this restaurant and we can't have any negative problems. Food was excellent, in usual Hungarian size (big) and all served faster than expected (we were 9)... fully earned 5 stars both for food and for staff. later editing: as we enjoyed the first evening, we went to the second... the only small difference was the waiting time, but still acceptable. Food? was delicious again!!!

Miss Gertrude Haley I
Miss Gertrude Haley I

If you like the Hungarian dishes, you will like it. Huge part and fast service.

Lelah Schmeler
Lelah Schmeler

Tastes absolutely amazing, staff is nice. The town centre is beautiful, that with the moody terrace make for really impressive surroundings

Rosetta Bogisich
Rosetta Bogisich

Delecious food ang kind staff. Everything was vers good!

Mr. Kelley Breitenberg Sr.
Mr. Kelley Breitenberg Sr.

Best food in Gyula by far, very good prices and overall service, short waiting times, friendly waiters. We ate there 4 days in a row and tried a lot of different dishes, everything was great!

Matilde Haag
Matilde Haag

Very good food, the cook should only add some souce to every dish they serve because the meet really needs it. We had a good duck and a great pork knuckle.