Bock Bisztró Balaton

Bock Bisztró Balaton

Helikon U. 22, Vonyarcvashegy, Hungary

4.4 💬1597 Bewertungen


Fedezze fel a kulináris paradicsomot a Bock Bisztró Balaton, egy megbecsült bisztró, amely a Helikon U. 22, Vonyarcvashegy, Hungary címen található. Itt a vendégek meghívást kapnak, hogy élvezzék az ételek változatos választékát, amelyeket egy átfogó menü aprólékosan bemutat. Minden egyes falat egy kitűnő gasztronómiai utazást ígér, amely számtalan vendég ízlelőbimbóit rabul ejtette. A csillagos 4.4 értékeléssel a Bock Bisztró Balaton a kivételes konyha és a kellemes étkezés jelzőfénye. A 4.4 éttermünk a kulináris tökéletességet példázza, és ezt a bizonyságot a 1607 vendéglátóink elragadó véleménye is alátámasztja. Ez több mint egy étel, ez az ízek szimfóniája. Ha otthon is élvezetes ételt szeretne enni, egyszerűen válassza a, az Ön webablak honlapját a könnyű rendeléshez.



Mohammed Keebler
Mohammed Keebler

udvarias service, beautiful views. fine dishes and fine wine cellars.

Menü a Bock Bisztró Balaton 25 opciók

Kérdésekért vagy árakért hívja a +36202468020 címet. A Bock Bisztró Balaton teljes menüje a Vonyarcvashegy oldalon !

Minden ár becsült érték.


Shanel Willms
Shanel Willms

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Colby Koelpin
Colby Koelpin

We were very happy, hof is nice to stay in the restaurant. We had good idsnk, hof 1/2 8. We discussed hof 8 people were still good. We arrived 9 people with 5 children. more than half an hour was waiting for you. We got erdst 1/2 10. The white wine was unfortunately warm but the cellar said, hot unfortunately there is no cold wine in the ice. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. If you continue to use this website without having to change your cookie settings, you can click on the following acceptance, you will be able to configure it.

Shannon Fay
Shannon Fay

udvarias személyzet, finom ételeket, borokat. balms to baloneonerol.

Ryann DuBuque V
Ryann DuBuque V

I don’t have to do this. In the bottom of the red leg, a delicious flavor of the flavor was a bit of fat that was not sick in the base of the food. I have a homemade pasta, I have put in the sauce. Wine was a spicy, pizza base vaf with compressed tomato flavor. The pasta was fine, without sauce. The pancakes of desserts were delicious. I was a great time for the emperorship of the plum jam and the whole construction. We have a service to learn and ask me to ask me at the zenit hotel t-shirt. I was not able to try it, but I was not able to find it. The restaurant is open from all over the world. You can get more delicious meals in the price ratio.

Albertha Botsford
Albertha Botsford

staff is not filled in glass. Foods are average. I was waiting for you to have a dessert serving.

Viviane Leuschke
Viviane Leuschke

I am glad to have a wonderful view on the balaton, the charming surroundings. The foods, coffee and wines were very delicious. We were very pleased to help you with your lunch. We have a playground for children. There is no need to be uploaded to many stairs.

Chad Tillman
Chad Tillman

very nice service with fantastic dishes and beautiful pearls.