Great Bistro Vegan

Great Bistro Vegan

Budapest, Bank U. 6, 1054 Hungary, Gyal

4.5 💬452 Bewertungen


Lépjen be a Great Bistro Vegan, egy kiváló bisztró, amely a Budapest, Bank U. 6, 1054 Hungary, Gyal címen található, és hagyja, hogy elkezdődjön a kulináris kaland. Kiterjedt étlapunk minden egyes eleme a jó ételek iránti szenvedélyünkről és az Ön étkezési élménye iránti elkötelezettségünkről tanúskodik. Élvezze a páratlan étkezési élményt ebben a 4.5 étkezdében, amelyet a 451 ragyogó vélemények is alátámasztanak. Az áhított 4.5 minősítés és az elégedett vendégek serege a 451 véleményekben tükröződik - mi nem csak egy étterem vagyunk, hanem a nagyszerű ízek és a kivételes étkezés mérföldköve. Csatlakozzon hozzánk, és vegyen részt ebben az egyedülálló gasztronómiai kalandban., egy kényelmes online platform, ahol átnézheti étlapunkat, és rendelést adhat le házhozszállításra vagy átvételre. A finomság csak egy kattintásra van.



Elsie Stoltenberg
Elsie Stoltenberg

the place to visit for all vegan cuisine lovers! friendly, great prices and impeccable taste. we went there every day after we discovered it during our stay in budapest. our favorite was the club sandwich and the chickpeas omlette!

Menü a Great Bistro Vegan 20 opciók

Kérdésekért vagy árakért hívja a +36703016010 címet. A Great Bistro Vegan teljes menüje a Gyal oldalon !

Minden ár becsült érték.


Prof. Jaylen Padberg PhD
Prof. Jaylen Padberg PhD

excellent vegan eating, great menu at the evenings. I loved the seasoned, everything was exceptionally high quality. beautiful place super atmosphere! must visit for any vegan, vegetarian or anyone who likes well prepared vegetables.

Elody Ward Jr.
Elody Ward Jr.

the place is really nice and cozy. there is a large selection of beginners to desserts. I had gnocchi with dried porcini and a Chestnut dream cake with a red wine and cowardly homemade jam, both were delicious and high quality recommended overall.

Edythe Abshire
Edythe Abshire

love this place, its so lightening if they don't think what they eat, which doesn't contain gluten, because everything is gluten-free here and vegan and delicious. this apple cake is the heavenly. nice and friendly service, highly recommended

Prof. Efrain Donnelly
Prof. Efrain Donnelly

Yummy vegan food, friendly service. You pick a main and a side to put together for lunch and you move along to different stations kinda like IKEA. Food was delicious, the fried kale critter balls was so flavourful and potatoes were done perfect. the decor is cute too. tray returning system is also very straight forward, I would absolutely return the next time I'm on Budapest.

Haylee Langworth
Haylee Langworth

Popped in late on a Friday night and it was full, came back again on Saturday night and it was empty, the ambience was not as nice and the music was a bit off however we had an amazing meal! The options were very exciting from a vegan point of view faux foie gois' caught our eye and did not disappoint! The food was prepared with a lot of love, presentation was on point and it all tasted delicious.

Dr. Hilario Von DDS
Dr. Hilario Von DDS

A WSIWYG nice and quite place to lunch. On your plate it doesn't look like much, and choices are rather limited. But quality is good and its definitely something different. If you're looking for a trendy vegan place, give it a chance! They have beetroot juice and strong espresso's too. Personally I would have liked to see a bit more surprise' in the dishes. But it tasted great, so either way 4 stars. Keep it up

Ms. Roxane Windler MD
Ms. Roxane Windler MD

This is a great little vegan place with a changing daily menu. The Hungarian layered cauliflower with cucumber salad was delicious and I loved the coziness of the place. It’s very cute with its little chairs all pained in different pastel colours. They offer coffee with either rice or soy milk. The flavour of the soy latte I had was great but unfortunately it was only lukewarm. Prices are reasonable and I would recommend having lunch there.

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