Grill Etterem Tata

Grill Etterem Tata

Tópart Sétány 1., Tata, Hungary, 2890

4.3 💬2927 Bewertungen


A Tópart Sétány 1., Tata, Hungary, 2890 oldalon találja meg a Grill Etterem Tata rejtett gyöngyszemét. Ez egy étkezőhely, ahol minden menüpont felejthetetlen kulináris élményt ígér. A kiváló minősítéssel 4.3, a mi nagyra becsült létesítményünk a kivételes étkezési örökséget hozta létre. A kemény munka, az elkötelezettség és a szenvedély eredménye, amely a 5121 elismerő véleményekben tükröződik. Tapasztalja meg a kiválóságot minden egyes falatban., egy kényelmes online platform, ahol átnézheti étlapunkat, és rendelést adhat le házhozszállításra vagy átvételre. A finomság csak egy kattintásra van.



Prof. Jeromy Kreiger
Prof. Jeromy Kreiger

I would like to thank you for the quality of foods. we went to the restaurant. We ordered the slice of Vienna and grilled chicken. The cucumber salad is made in the menu and we got sand salad for both fsets, which was incredible. Lady has accompanied the lady in the serving ladders, arch was waited for you. (the salad washed for a long time, instead of hof the hot could have been brought to a messy) One of the non-fresh microwave panic was served and dry bread in the other. The staff was very nice and nice. We don’t have to pay for foods but we don’t have to visit the restaurant.

Menü a Grill Etterem Tata 10 opciók

Kérdésekért vagy árakért hívja a +36707889314 címet. A Grill Etterem Tata teljes menüje a Tata oldalon !

Minden ár becsült érték.


Anderson Cummings
Anderson Cummings

We had a huge cheating! 58 thousand forints were not reflected in the quantity and in quantity! at this price 2 small meats are waiting for a man about 1 kg of potatoes.

Sabryna Homenick
Sabryna Homenick

I was very good. I was a good drink. I was very happy vafok, hof know what I want. yes. I was a very nice time, except in the evening.

Ms. Carolina Hammes
Ms. Carolina Hammes

We had 20 degrees class conferences, only the Csecsemsk was easy to take cells, but all of them were fleeted, thanks to their elasticity, the lovely service of delicious foods.

Miss Florence Jones MD
Miss Florence Jones MD

We had a great time in the morning and we had a great time. We had a great time in the morning, and we had a great time in the morning. We were very happy with our wine cellar (dani ) and we were very happy with the humor. The food was delayed picit and was fantastic, with excellent food, we got a gift tasting. The base menu is seductive, a selection. Return

Raven Frami
Raven Frami

Clums hely. Kár, hogy a jeges kv boss has chosen a sink jég jut ési fagyi nem.

Karina Windler
Karina Windler

I had a very nice dinner, I was very nice, I was not ugly, I had a loved one. I was not a problem, I had a hof garlic, I don’t understand what I think. :dmindenki did everything, I couldn’t eat the dough, but I did not eat it, but I was not careful, I was very fine. I am very happy with my husband, and I try something different. The terrace was very attractive, I will try to try out everything in good time. I look slightly pulling, but I can see all the same prices, I am going to be emptied, but I don’t want to be normal. We had a clear, well-equipped kitchen.

Miss Gladyce Cassin PhD
Miss Gladyce Cassin PhD

We have a great selection of dishes, but we have a great selection of dishes.