Mcdonald's Kaposvar

Mcdonald's Kaposvar

Berzsenyi Utca 11, Kaposvar 7400, Hungary

4.4 💬5890 Bewertungen


Fedezze fel a Mcdonald's Kaposvar varázsát a Berzsenyi Utca 11, Kaposvar 7400, Hungary oldalon. Ez a híres bisztró lenyűgöző menüvel kápráztatja el a vendégeket, amelyet úgy terveztek, hogy elragadó legyen. A 4.4 éttermünk a kulináris tökéletességet példázza, és ezt a bizonyságot a 5895 vendéglátóink elragadó véleménye is alátámasztja. Ez több mint egy étel, ez az ízek szimfóniája. Kedvenc ételének megrendelése még sosem volt ilyen egyszerű. Látogasson el a, egy felhasználóbarát online platformra, és készüljön fel arra, hogy otthonában élvezze a lakomát.



Agustin O'Hara
Agustin O'Hara

most mcdonalds are quite the same, but the staff here are really nice

Menü a Mcdonald's Kaposvar 135 opciók

A Mcdonald's Kaposvar teljes menüje a Kaposvar oldalon !

Minden ár becsült érték.


Tad Hayes
Tad Hayes

our child loves to have a happy meal because of the toy, even if he can only eat fries because there is no vegetarian option for children. hopefully soon they will have vegetarian nuggets for vegetarian children. they have a mcplay outside, but the weather is too hot to use it. the staff is friendly and helpful. faster service.

Briana Howell
Briana Howell

I have koks instead of icy, service never change

Piper Botsford Sr.
Piper Botsford Sr.

service has 1000 folds since my previous visit all well today

Shayne Hackett
Shayne Hackett

It is a Mc Donalds, but the interesting is, it doesn't belong to the redesigned ones. It is the well known old fashion.

Prof. Julius Weissnat MD
Prof. Julius Weissnat MD

I have several experiences where the burgers and even the fries are left in the tray for too long and becomes soggy and cold. I ususally order a burger without something that they can't take out of the burger so they make a fresh one. Life hack for the day. The staff is all over the place. No organised at all so it's a bit slow.

Kale Mann
Kale Mann

I have had a problem with a staff and it almost escalated to point where i was thinking to call a police. I decided to cancel my order but they refused to give me my money back. Terribel experience i do not recomend this place to anyone. I hope that management will read this.