Nimród Vendéglő

Nimród Vendéglő

Győr, Nagy Imre U. 48-50, 9024 Hungary, Gyor

4.6 💬1970 Bewertungen


A Győr, Nagy Imre U. 48-50, 9024 Hungary, Gyor, Nimród Vendéglő egy bájos étkezőhely, amely széleskörű menüajánlatáról híres. A vendégeket elkényeztetik a választékkal, a finom gasztronómia választékával, amely minden ízlést kielégít. A Nimród Vendéglő, minősített 4.6, nem csak egy étkezést, hanem egy emlékezetes kulináris expedíciót ígér. A 4.6 kiváló értékelésével éttermünk folyamatosan lenyűgözi az igényes vendégeket. A 694 véleményeink sokat mondanak arról, hogy elkötelezetten igyekszünk felejthetetlen kulináris utazást nyújtani. Tapasztalja meg az online rendelés kényelmét a, egy elérhető online platform segítségével, amely változatos étlapunkat közvetlenül az Ön képernyőjére hozza, hogy könnyedén rendelhessen.



Bert Schultz
Bert Schultz

everything was more than perfect, up to all expectations! I first ordered a suppe that was very tasty and on the perfect temperature. the second cure was a deer steaks with jägern wut. also great! my partner took a chicken soup and a tatarbeafsteak. I love it so much. I can recommend this place completely because for a great Hungarian food is essential to try nimród restaurant!

Menü a Nimród Vendéglő 28 opciók

A Nimród Vendéglő teljes menüje a Gyor oldalon !

Minden ár becsült érték.


Prof. Ludwig Keebler
Prof. Ludwig Keebler

concerning a nutritionist, eating is one of the most important things in my life and I always choose the place where I eat. I have to say that I was a vegeterian, I was a little anxious if I can find something for me in nimrod restaurant, this place is well known for wonderful meat dishes. but no worries! the owners took care of my food preferences and quickly presented me all the options without meat. I chose a tender karpati art, served with cooked vegetables with a light sauce. the dish was nicely served as in the picture below. the fish inside was really soft and not dry at all. it was also for me for the first time that I had to order no additional part of the sweet. the portion was huge, even for such a veggie lover like me! big plus also for the warm atmosphere, in a big franchise restaurant they will never have this feeling! summing up: gyor should be proud to have such a restaurant! I will be back in a definitiv:

Liana Jenkins
Liana Jenkins

great restaurant. it is really worth making a small way around when they travel between howling and budapest. the place is simple and cozy. the caviar as a starter was really good. the filled chicken with goat cheese and venison in the blueberry sauce were very good. for dessert the orange and raspberry cheese curd was delicious.

Hilario Turcotte
Hilario Turcotte

beautiful restaurant, very friendly and peofesional personel. good food there

Bernadine Johnson
Bernadine Johnson

Its a tradition Hungarian restaurant, and you can have various wine and local food here. I had a super delicious veal ragout soup with tarragon, and the caviar with butter as the starter was really good. Since I had a perfect duck breast at Lake Balaton yesterday so this duck breast was just okay for me. It would be a good stop by choice in Gyor. Free parking is available. We came here around 6pm, and there're not full tables but we waited our soups and main courses for a long time.

Mrs. Marielle Fahey Sr.
Mrs. Marielle Fahey Sr.

Good food and a lovely atmosphere on the terrace during warm weather. The soups are delicious! And the Snitzel as well.

Braulio Cartwright
Braulio Cartwright

Food was great. Nice, cosy, old-fashioned place, something along the lines of a hunter-pub. They were accommodating, but I think we annoyed them a little by turning up at 9.30pm, and the kitchen was about to close at 10. Still, the food was really good and better than some of the other authentic Hungarian ones I 've tried in other cities. Had the grilled chicken with mozzarella, basil. Chicken was succulent. One of the guests at the table dripped two drops of chocolate from the dessert on the tablecloth by accident. The owner waiter made a strange comment in Hungarian about having just changed the tablecloth yesterday, and we could have asked to split the dessert into plates rather than making a mess! Hmm... it 's a tablecloth. Shouldn 't have been such an issue. The other two people on the table (who understood Hungarian were a bit upset about the comment, but I think this is just down to the general lack of customer service skills in Hungarian Slovakian restaurants. Maybe we 're just used to decent customer service in England? Go figure. We left a couple of Euros worth of tips. Hopefully that will cover washing the tablecloth and put him in a better mood : Tip: the fried cheese starter is really good as well. And drop drip anything on the tablecloth! Lol Would have done 5 stars if he didn 't make that comment. I 'd come back because the food was good.

Isabel Walter Jr.
Isabel Walter Jr.

Absolutely not guest friendly staff. They simply tried to persuade us to leave 15 minutes before closing time because they used to leave earlier . We had the last sip in our glasses so we left soon but hereby I promise we as guests will not ever bother them anymore to let them leave even more earlier.Ritkán írok véleményt, de a tegnapi tapasztalatom mindenképpen megosztom. Háromnegyed órával zárás előtt érkeztünk harmadmagammal és már a belépéskor amikor mondtuk, hogy egy italt szeretnénk csak inni és beszélgetni már furcsán néztek ránk. Ezután megkaptuk az italunkat majd zárás előtt negyedórával jelezték, hogy lassan zárnak. Ekkor udvariasan megköszöntük, hogy már nem rendelnénk semmit és megkérdeztük, hogy a poharakban még lévő italt (1dl) még meginnánk-e (ez ugye 1-2 perc). Erre normális válasz helyett annyit vetettek csak oda, hogy ha már nincs vacsoravendég akkor ilyenkor szoktak hazamenni. Hát köszönjük a kedves proli viselkedést és megígérjük, hogy többet nem zavarjuk meg a mindennapjaikat vendégeskedésünkkel.