Roosevelt Téri Halászcsárda

Roosevelt Téri Halászcsárda

Szeged, Roosevelt Tér 14, 6720 Hungary

4.5 💬3107 Bewertungen


A Szeged, Roosevelt Tér 14, 6720 Hungary oldalon találja meg a Roosevelt Téri Halászcsárda rejtett gyöngyszemét. Ez egy gasztronómiai sarok, ahol minden menüpont felejthetetlen kulináris élményt ígér. A 4.5 kiváló értékelésével éttermünk folyamatosan lenyűgözi az igényes vendégeket. A 3105 véleményeink sokat mondanak arról, hogy elkötelezetten igyekszünk felejthetetlen kulináris utazást nyújtani., egy kényelmes digitális célpont, ahol átnézheti étlapunkat, és rendelést adhat le házhozszállításra vagy átvételre. A finomság csak egy kattintásra van.



Werner Littel
Werner Littel

my son-in-law recommended this place to lunch. the imaged article is the duck liver assizer, which is eaten with toast; this court is very rich. my spouse ordered cats paprikash with pasta and I ordered a pasta dish with a local cheese and sour cream and roasted pork cracker top. I was not able to finish my dish, but the meal was very delicious. I'd like to come back.

Menü a Roosevelt Téri Halászcsárda 9 opciók

A Roosevelt Téri Halászcsárda teljes menüje a Szeged oldalon !

Minden ár becsült érték.


Prof. Jovany Kemmer
Prof. Jovany Kemmer

very good service, English menu, fast kitchen, amazing! eat! go here and eat until they sleep fully! and the brot. very good brot!

Mrs. Lilyan Dickens
Mrs. Lilyan Dickens

this is the place they need to visit when in szeged. excellent fish soup and fish dishes. the staff is really friendly and helpful and the situation is really nice. Consider that supper proportions are large, one part for at least 2 people.

Rigoberto Conn
Rigoberto Conn

excellent service, good food. the restaurant is highly recommended. very good value for the money! I ate a fish soup and a plate with 4 different fried fish.

Lina Bosco
Lina Bosco

Huge portion of Halászlé. Couldn’t finish so took it away (in menu you will find prices for different take away food containers). Halászlé was really delicious. Bread was also yummy. Only on bad thing we were ordering wine but there wasn’t price for wine in menu. So till bill arrived it wasn’t clear how much we will need to pay

Dr. Linda Okuneva III
Dr. Linda Okuneva III

It is my 3rd time of having a lunch here and I am totally satisfied with it. Great service, great food at great price. The place itself is near to river Tisza and it has a remarkable great view. The best dish I am in love with is fish soup which is a traditional Hungarian dish. I can recommend this restaurart for everbody who comes to visit Szeged! :

Alisha Effertz
Alisha Effertz

Fantastic hungarian fish soup with exceptional bread. Highly recommended!

Karianne Nikolaus
Karianne Nikolaus

Food the service was great and the food was excellent. The only complain i got is that they did not leave the skin on the salmon stake. But that's not an issue for most people. The menu has an English version which is so helpful for tourists. Would recommend!